
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Procrastination Post 1- Phoenix Day 1-3

 You know when airline sales are super good and you are like "I better book now, or I'll miss this deal?" Well that is what started off my adventure of taking two kids by myself on two airplane rides, with Aaron arriving only one day later....oh boy.
I got a great deal on some plane tickets and new that aaron would have to come later due to the fact that he had school and couldn't miss. A series of other events happened and as it turned out instead of the original 2 days before and 2 days after aaron was supposed to join us, it turned in to me going the day before and the day after him, which seemed so silly in the end, but whatever it was what it was.

The boys did exceptional through the airport and on the plane. They kept their feet down (for the most part) and kept their headphones on and watched shows most of the time.  People thought they were cute, so that helped too.
Frequent Flier 1

Frequent Flier 2
 What wasn't so great was the hold up we had at the car rental place- The messed up my car type (wanted to put me in a fiat 500...yeah right) and then the credit card company put a hold on my card...so that was fun.
Sleepy Boys
We made it to the hotel around 11 pm and the boys were beat. Can you see them to the right? They are hide-sleeping, while I checked in....which was fun too. They put me in the last double room they had- right next to the elevators, so we hear that all the first night (and promptly were moved in the morning).
 The other mishap was that the complimentary breakfast was not complimentary afterall. So I took the boys out for a more affordable breakfast and then we did a quick shopping trip for our next four breakfasts and lunches.
Breakfast with the dudes

Just a quick shot of me in this gorgeous necklace Emery bought me for christmas a few years ago and I finally had a chance to wear it.

Aaron was supposed to come in on the 9:00pm flight, but had missed it, so I got to enjoy dinner with his entire extended family (Bridget's side). The upside was that Brother James was scheduled on the next flight out with Aaron so they got to be traveling companions.

The next day was the wedding day- the day we were all there for. Aaron's cousin Ryan got married to a lovely lady and all the O'Connell sisters were together in one place in who knows how many years, so I had to capture a picture of this momentous occasion.
Katie(4?), Bridget(3?), Nancy(5), MaryAnne (1), Helen (2)
The boys did ok, all in all. I had come prepared with snacks and coloring for them to make it through the long Catholic Service. It was really beautiful and intimate. You could tell the priest was someone who had known these two people for a while, so that made it extra special.

Wild and crazy boys- post wedding
 And then we hit the reception! And got what will soon become our Christmas card....

And so this concludes part 1 of Procrastination Posts- Phoenix. I'll leave you with this silly boy playing in my glasses.

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