
Friday, December 28, 2012


I turned around this morning to find Elijah had put his car up on a "lift". Maybe he will be a mechanic? Haha. Happy friday!

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Few Random Pictures

Elijah in his new sunglasses
Wow! I am sorry it has been so long since I have put something on the blog!  I am terrible!  Here are a few pictures I pulled off my phone to hold you over until we take some more.  Katie took most of the pictures for Elijah's second Christmas, so I will have to get some from her and post them.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a wonderful New Year!

Trying move the "big box!"

Wearing Daddy's hat; this is quickly becoming his favorite thing to do

mmmm...yummy grilled cheese!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mommy and Elijah take a sick day

Well i think our boy may not have gotten rid of his ear infection. We will find out tomorrow but took a sick day today. Here is a picture of us from this evening ( ps I am not sick just the boy - he slept literally all day!)

The Nut Tree

Riding the Zebra on the carousel
Augh the familiar place Katie and I grew up going to has changed a bit in 30 years.  About ten, maybe 15 years ago they revamped the Nut Tree and made it in to a shopping mecca (not sure if there is still an airport behind there or not) and put in a small amusement park in the back. The amusement park didn't really take off, so they dismantled the rides and scrapped the idea. Then about 5 years ago they put in a carousel and train in a more front and center location which seems to be doing quite well.
I needed to get some Christmas shopping done, but didn't want Elijah to just get drug around all day.  That would not be fun for him ergo that would not be fun for me.  So I packed him in the car this morning and took him to the rides, first thing.  We played for a bit on the rocking horses (which I think were revived from Katie and My Nut Tree Days) and in the wooden peek-a-boo structure.  Elijah had a blast with the peek-a-boo structure, especially since there was another little kid there to play with.
Next up was the train ride.  I swear, this kid is not at all what I thought he would be.  He is so observant, timid and fairly laid back.  He didn't get super excited (though you could tell he was enjoying the ride), he just sat on his bum and watched the scenery, taking it all in.

Last we went on the carousel, again he just sat there like a good little boy and took in the sites and sounds. He asked what some of the animals were a couple of times, but that was about it.  We got off both rides without any kicking and screaming or begging to go back on.  I must say, I am pretty happy with this boy!  haha!

Taking a Ride on the Choo Choo Train

Enjoying the Choo Choo

Peek-A-Boo! I am an Elephant!

Lion Heart

Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Update from Thanksgiving

After the last post our poor Elijah didn't get much better.  At least not until Sunday/Monday after Thanksgiving. I must say though, the flights home were not too bad. His little ears faired well, and so did we.
It turns out that after three doses of Amoxicillin, Elijah developed welts on his legs. A clear sign that in fact our little boy can now be labeled "allergic to penicillin". grrrreaattt..... (sarcasm fully implied). This means that we had to change his medication to a non-penicillin antibiotic, that he did not like nearly as much as the thick bubble gum yumminess of amoxicillin. It was a battle for 10 days to get him to take it, but hopefully we got enough in him to clear up the ear infections.
However, I just wanted to share that we did end up having a lovely Thanksgiving meal (pictures below) and were able to get a few good pictures of Elijah on Sunday/Monday.  You will see he is in need of a hair cut- don't worry I took care of it (see a post in about a day or two).
This was my rocking/high chair!

Play, or as Elijah says "Pyay"

The spread on Thanksgiving