
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013!

  Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. One of my favorite movies of the Christmas season is home alone and that is where that quote is from.
We had a great day today. An all around great Christmas for the boys and ourselves. We have a lot of you to thank for that. Here is our pre-thank you (and our pre-Christmas card...that will be our New Years card as it stands now...) card to all of you.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Late Thanksgiving

Dad and Lucas
Sorry for the long delay in getting this to you, but better late than never they say.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Aaron's parents house. Dad came along too, and we all ate too much. The kids did great except they may have been a little over excited. I decided that day that it was neccesary to make Lucas a "My First Thanksgiving" shirt to celebrate. So I dug through my drawers and found one last sheet of iron on transfer paper, made a quick design (based completely off something I saw on line) and slapped that baby on the first all white shirt I could find in his drawer (ok, the ONLY white shirt I could find in his drawer). I got a couple quick pictures of him in it as soon as we got there, and I am glad that I didn't wait any longer because either the iron on was lousy or the paper was old (maybe a combo of the two) and the "decal" came off half-way through the night! HAHA.
The next night we went to Aaron's aunt and uncle's house in San Jose and had a little gathering (it's somewhat of a tradition).  Elijah found his new best friend Channell (Aaron's cousin) who played with him and kept him entertained for a good hour...and he still talks about her to this day!
I hope you enjoy these pictures, and sorry for the somewhat random babbling, I have both the kids tonight and its bathtime and and and! HAHA!

Hannah (David's little girl)

Elijah singing with Grandma

Elijah and his Channel!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Almost There!

Our little Lucas is getting closer to pulling himself up.  Let me tell you, we are ok with where he is at now. We don't need this nosey little boy to be walking anytime soon; his little army crawl is just the right pace right now (though that is quickly turning into a full on crawl). Still, it's fun to watch him start to hit milestones, and even more fun to get to share them with you.  Here is Lucas "half way"up.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Annual Christmas on First Street

Friday was the annual Christmas on First street in town. This is one of my favorite things to do this time of year and is becoming more fun now that we have lots and even more so now that Elijah is really starting to "get" Christmas.
Friday was a rainy dreary and cold night, the baby was sick with a double ear infection and an eye infection so Aaron opted to stay home with him while I picked up Elijah from daycare swung by dads house and picked him up then we scooted down to main street for the cold, but festive tree lighting. I think this was the first year I actually saw the tree lighting itself, usually we show up late and then walk the street for a couple hours talking to all the people we haven't seen in a year (or a day as it may well be hahaha). So this was extra special. Elijah loved it and we even ran in to some of the gang. The kids had a little dance party and then dad, Elijah and I took off and made a b-line for the car:) I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Eli looking dapper in daddy's Bernie and a. Borrowed Adidas jacket from Jackson

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Clap, Clap, Clap your Hands!

  Somebody has learned how to clap. Can you imagine who it is? Well ok that was an easy guess. Do you know when he claps his hands? When he is really excited about something. Here is our little guy clapping, he started this on Monday, the 2nd and made us smile...and then try to get him to do it over and over to which he protested, thus why it has taken nearly a week to capture him in the act on video. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Elijah the Model

July 2013
I just stopped by le top today to grab some clothes that they had sweetly offered to donate to a family we are sponsoring this Christmas season at work.  I got to catch up with everyone over a Thanksgiving lunch (score!). An added bonus was a group of pictures that one of the guys had put together for me of Elijah over the past 18 months.  I thought I would share them with you here.
July 2013

January 2013

January 2013

January 2013 
January 2013 
July 2012

July 2012

July 2012

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

9 Month Check-Up

 I know what you are thinking right now "WOW! She posted Lucas' 9 month check up on time!" Pretty awesome right?! I knew you would be happy (ok so I had originally written this last night, but Aaron left the stats from the Dr's office in the car, so I waited till tonight to finish it).  So here are the stats and the progress our little guy has made in his 9 months (nearly a year boooo hooooo) of life with us!

Lucas is a happy boy, but you already knew that.  His favorite thing to do is to be held. But no longer does he just want to be held, he wants to be held outwards so that he can see all the action that is going on below...namely with his big brother!  This boy is really interested in everything Elijah does. Which is cute, but Elijah is not going to think so in a couple more months, and then for a couple more about 20 more years. HAHA (coming from this older sibling, I have a little experience in the annoying (not any more) younger sibling department HAHA).

Sleepy boy
I don't have a baby book for Lucas yet (I know terrible), but I have been noting everything as it happens on our calendar (and here for that matter) to make sure everything is documented.  Looking at the calendar in the past two weeks, this boy has made some progress:

11.18- Reaches for mommy
11.19- Is army crawling like a champ
11.24- Can get to a sitting position from lying down

He definitely knows his mommy and his daddy. The minute I walk in the door, this boy hears my voice, looks up gets a big smile on his face and then whines and attempts (a pathetic attempt) to crawl towards me. Aaron says every time "He was so happy today, until you walked in!" HAHA well that's ok I don't mind picking up this cute little boy and holding him for a while!

In the morning when I get him up and pull him in bed to feed him as soon as he gets a glimpse of Aaron's (though sleeping) face he is all smiles.  He will scan the room for Aaron, and just LOVES his daddy!

Speaking of feeding, it has taken 9 months (no kidding) for this boy to finally decide to open his mouth and eat baby food.  We started at 6 months like we were supposed to, but this kid just refused! Finally we have found something he likes (guess what it is?  Baby Banana food! my favorite too- yes I steal bites!) and that he will open his mouth up for willingly.

Lucas' New Giraffe (a gift from my boss)
He is so close to crawling it is not even funny. I bet if we had all carpeted floors he would be just about crawling.  He has gotten better at it too since he started at daycare on the 4th.  I think that has really propelled him in to crawling, probably also because he wants to chase after all the other kids. :)

We are just so in love with our little Lucas, we can't get enough of him and just want to eat him up! That smile and those cheeks just have us captured....and maybe you too! ;)

Here are his 9 month stats from the Doctors today:
Height: 29.25" (85%)
Weight: 20.7 lbs (62%)
Drum rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - Head: 46.5cm (still huge! haha! Full of smarty pants brains!)

More Pictures:

Elijah wanted everyone to "take a nap"

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sweet brothers!

Elijah is becoming more and more interested in Lucas and is such a loving brother. I have to tell you that he is one of the gentlest big brothers (or siblings for that matter) out there. Last night at bed time he kept saying "I play with baby! I wanna play with him!" And of course Lucas loves every second of the attention Elijah gives him.
Herr are a couple videos from the last week or so of them playing together. And yes Lucas is so very close to being a full fledged crawler!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Who's who puppy?

  Once again we have a "twins" picture set here. Can you tell who's who? (Elijah is one and Lucas is the other.- so who's who?)  Ok, So I know who is who. But looking at these again, man it seems hard! I'll leave the answer in the "comments" section, so as not to spoil it.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Future Tennis Star

  Well mom, you and Emery will be glad to know that the ten minute of tennis Elijah played with you in September paid off. This kids getting better timing. Heck he may be a future tennis star. Ok, ok, so that is a lot of hope we are putting in to a two year old, but who knows, maybe you'll see his name on that screen one day!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Well everyone, I think it will be less than two or three weeks before we have a full fledged crawler. This little sailor is movin with a purpose...even though he's a little upset here.  Maybe we will be thankful on thanksgiving for another one crawling.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lucky You! Second Post Today- Pee Pee!

I just had to post this because our little man, Elijah went PEE PEE IN THE POTTY! I gave him a shower this morning and he got away from me before I could put a diaper on him. I had my hands tied up with the baby as well and told him "Don't go pee pee on the floor. If you have to go, go sit on the potty" to which he responded "ok mommy, I go pee pee on the little potty".  So off he went. He sat there for about ten minutes and I kept checking on him to which he would say "I almost finnnnished" then finally he came running out. "I all done! I all done!" I thought "ok...did you go pee pee?" So we walked in to the bathroom and sure enough he had gone pee pee in the potty. So as any mom training their first child to potty train would do, I made a huge deal out of it! HAHA!  I got all excited for him and he got excited too and then I told him he could have a piece of candy (cuz that's what you do right?).  And then of course, I took a video of him:

8 month Check In (ok 8.5 month...)

Well it may be closer to 8 and half months now but HEY it's still the 8th month!
Our little tyke is getting SO BIG. He is almost completely out of his 6 month clothes, save for the more generous sized ones, and in to 9 months clothes (ok some of them are still a little big...). On his 8 month birthday he weighed in at 19.6 lbs!  
Lucas is getting closer everyday to crawling.  He has almost gotten his knees completely underneath him on several occasions, especially when he is trying hard to get something just out of his reach.  
He has become a pro at sitting up and  rolling over both ways, although his transitions from sitting up to laying down aren't the softest...there are a lot of bumped heads, but they are quickly healed with some good ol' love and kisses from mom and dad. Speaking of his head, the little bit of hair that he has seems to be getting thicker every couple of days. I will say that it's not quite the color blonde that elijah had (toe-head), it actually looks like it may be strawberry blonde!  We will see though, I think we will need to wait another few months for more to come in to really see what color it will be....and for how long at that. ;)
Lucas loves his big brother. Loves to watch him, loves to listen to him, loves to just be in his presence.  Let's just say Elijah is learning to return the sentiments... hahaha, this may be a 20 year learning curve though...HAHA.
All in all Lucas is a very happy and chill baby. People are constantly commenting on his disposition. We are pretty darn proud of our once colicky baby and what he is growing in to.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Raspy Voice

  Last night, upon arriving home from work I was greeted by a cute little raspy voice coming from the kitchen "hi mommy!" It was Elijah's nd some how he had contracted a horse, scratchy voice. It reminded me of all those times that I too have had a horse voice in the past and to come. This is much cuter on a two year old than on a thirty year old, and so I took the opportunity to take a little video so you all could hear this cute little raspy voice too!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Fall Cold

  This poor baby has a cold. He was so tired that he just conked out in his daddy's arms. One minute I heard him cooing and the next he I turned around and whispered to Aaron " he's sleeping" :) aaron said that Lucas was entertaining himself today listening to himself sniffle. Hahaha that's sweet self entertainment I tell ya!

P.s. 1. Yes I realize tomorrow he is 8 months (already?!!!!!) 2. No I don't have a post ready. 3. Yes I will post something for his 8month check in relatively soon. 4. Yes I realize he's the second child and I'm somewhat slacking. 5. No he won't get brushed under the carpet...look at the head it's huge, we couldn't miss him if we tried. Hahahahaha!!!

My love to you all, who I know love checking in on what's new with these darling children!!!! Thanks for keeping me in check and going on this blog, without you my children would have files (instead of boxes) of pictures to sort through and make sense of someday. Hahahahaha.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Looking Familiar?

I just thought these pictures were too close not to share.

Lucas October 2013



Elijah October 2011