
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

9 Month Check-Up

 I know what you are thinking right now "WOW! She posted Lucas' 9 month check up on time!" Pretty awesome right?! I knew you would be happy (ok so I had originally written this last night, but Aaron left the stats from the Dr's office in the car, so I waited till tonight to finish it).  So here are the stats and the progress our little guy has made in his 9 months (nearly a year boooo hooooo) of life with us!

Lucas is a happy boy, but you already knew that.  His favorite thing to do is to be held. But no longer does he just want to be held, he wants to be held outwards so that he can see all the action that is going on below...namely with his big brother!  This boy is really interested in everything Elijah does. Which is cute, but Elijah is not going to think so in a couple more months, and then for a couple more about 20 more years. HAHA (coming from this older sibling, I have a little experience in the annoying (not any more) younger sibling department HAHA).

Sleepy boy
I don't have a baby book for Lucas yet (I know terrible), but I have been noting everything as it happens on our calendar (and here for that matter) to make sure everything is documented.  Looking at the calendar in the past two weeks, this boy has made some progress:

11.18- Reaches for mommy
11.19- Is army crawling like a champ
11.24- Can get to a sitting position from lying down

He definitely knows his mommy and his daddy. The minute I walk in the door, this boy hears my voice, looks up gets a big smile on his face and then whines and attempts (a pathetic attempt) to crawl towards me. Aaron says every time "He was so happy today, until you walked in!" HAHA well that's ok I don't mind picking up this cute little boy and holding him for a while!

In the morning when I get him up and pull him in bed to feed him as soon as he gets a glimpse of Aaron's (though sleeping) face he is all smiles.  He will scan the room for Aaron, and just LOVES his daddy!

Speaking of feeding, it has taken 9 months (no kidding) for this boy to finally decide to open his mouth and eat baby food.  We started at 6 months like we were supposed to, but this kid just refused! Finally we have found something he likes (guess what it is?  Baby Banana food! my favorite too- yes I steal bites!) and that he will open his mouth up for willingly.

Lucas' New Giraffe (a gift from my boss)
He is so close to crawling it is not even funny. I bet if we had all carpeted floors he would be just about crawling.  He has gotten better at it too since he started at daycare on the 4th.  I think that has really propelled him in to crawling, probably also because he wants to chase after all the other kids. :)

We are just so in love with our little Lucas, we can't get enough of him and just want to eat him up! That smile and those cheeks just have us captured....and maybe you too! ;)

Here are his 9 month stats from the Doctors today:
Height: 29.25" (85%)
Weight: 20.7 lbs (62%)
Drum rolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - Head: 46.5cm (still huge! haha! Full of smarty pants brains!)

More Pictures:

Elijah wanted everyone to "take a nap"

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