
Thursday, May 31, 2012

smiley face

Elijah received this cute tshirt from aunt lynn and i couldn't resist posting a picture of him in it! I took this the other morning just before we of out of the car to go in to daycare. He was all smilea as usual, in his new airplane T.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Long, Little Video

Some of you had heard about a little video we took at Elijah's birthday party.  Well finally, it is up on the blog (and youtube for that matter).  Sorry this took so long, I actually enlisted Katie to upload it for me because I am running out of time before our little jaunt to SoCal for Heather's wedding! WOOT WOOT!
Don't feel obligated to watch the whole video, I probably wouldn't if it wasn't my kid! hahahah!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Walk this Way!

Yep, it's official, Elijah has started walking.  Though he is only on his feet 20% of the time right now, he definitely knows how to walk.  He is just learning to be comfortable with it.  He looks like a drunken sailor- it's pretty funny.  Here is at least one video, may be more....I never know until I post them, so it's a surprise for all of us!

ok so it's just one. I can't find my other camera otherwise it would probably be more.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Another Milestone- Talking...Well Sorta

When Aaron got Elijah out of bed last Saturday Elijah said...."Hi Daddy!"  OH MY GOSH!  It was pretty much the cutest thing in the world!  I don't think I got any more of the "Hi Daddy"'s on camera, but he said it and it was cute.  He also started saying "Buh-Bye" and waving along with it, and.... YES another....he started saying "Hi" ok so that was a little anti-clamatic, since he could say "Hi Daddy" , but hey, I will take whatever he gives! haha.

OH! I forgot!  He understands what a phone is...see below-

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's been a while...

I thought it had just been two weeks, but looking at the last posting date....well, lets just say, once again, I'm Sorry. 
A lot has happened in a month's time.  We hit a few milestones (which ones...you'll have to wait just a little longer for those), had a few people visit, a couple of new babies (no not mine haha) and celebrate a BIG birthday!
We have some big things happening this coming weekend too, so I am going to give you enough to get you by for at least this week, and hopefully have some energy next week to update you on this coming weekend!

So lets start with ONE (yes, you only get one) Milestone (if you look, or listen closely you may see other milestones;)).  The Big Birthday....PARTY!   (Gram this is for you, because I promised I would get this on here as soon as I could....sorry it took a week and a day).

We celebrated Elijah's 1st Birthday a month late, in order to get everyone, including Daddy, Oma, and Vicki all in one room.  We had a great time, and I think Elijah did too!  He loved the cake (go figure), and loved his presents.  He got a ton of books (and no duplicates- amazing) which he is already "reading".  I am constantly finding him in his room looking at his books.  I love that because it makes me think he will be an avid reader like his great-grandmothers, his Grand-Aunt and his Oma (among others, sorry if I left you out).  My fingers are crossed at least....because we all know it took me 25 years to become a "reader".

Here are some pics and maybe a video from his party.
mmm cake

more cake!
I LOVE cake!

Everyone else's cake (thank you Costco!)

Even though he doesn't look excited, he loved this  trike stroller from  G&G De Mers

Gi Gi (by the way I LOVE that) Birthday card- Can you tell he liked it!

Daddy and Elijah- do you love his shirt!  Birthdaycouture.com