
Monday, June 25, 2012

Father's Day

A Pint & his Half Pint (that is what the shirts read)
Just a quick little post for Father's day (yes, more than a week ago).  Most of you have seen at least one of these pictures, but I had to document it anyway.

Trying to be artistic, shot

I love this picture.  It is Aaron saying to me "don't take my picture". It's hilarious! He looks mean and French in this picture! hahahah

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Swim Lessons, For Real!

Disclaimer: baby swim lessons are not all I thought they would be.  And I think I am going to try to get my money back....

We finally got Elijah to swim lessons on Wednesday, and who should appear at the same swim lesson?  His cousin Elizabeth and Kaitlin (Aaron's 2nd brother, Paul's, wife).  Both the kids were not too found of the pool at first.  Possibly the vastness of the water, or more likely, the tepid (or less than) temperature of the water.  It took them each about 10 minutes to "warm" up, and then they were having a good time.  We got some great pictures of both of them in the water.  It was really neat, even if there was no real "teaching" going on.  It is really more of paying a lot of money to bob around in the pool with your baby that surely cannot swim, not now, not even soon...hence the reason why I am considering getting my money back.
Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day at the Beach!

A couple of weekends ago, we took Elijah to the beach for the first time!  What a beautiful day (gosh that phrase always reminds me of a book we read to him called "going on a bear hunt" haha)! We went to Stinson Beach in Marin County.  This beach, if you are at all familiar with the bay area, is ALWAYS foggy and cold...but not today!  We crested the hill around 9:30 on this particular morning and looked out on to a perfectly clear sky and beautiful seascape.  YES! is pretty much the thought that was said aloud.
We stopped in the town (498 strong) of Stinson Beach, CA and had a second (yes second) breakfast at this cute ocean diner called...wait for it... The Breaker Cafe (go figure).  Great Breakfast, to start a great day.
We got on the beach around 11 10:30-11:00am and didn't leave until 3.  Elijah did great, and although he was a little hesitant at first, the three minute video you will see below, proves that by mid-day he was loving the water and the beach.

Hooray!  I got it to work!!!!! Enjoy the video! (3 minutes)

Elijah's Cousin Elizabeth "Lizzy" and Uncle Paul


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Swim Lessons, Well, Almost

Friday was supposed to be Elijah's first swim lesson day.  I rushed home from work to catch the last twenty minutes of him in the pool with daddy, but to all of our dismay they were walking out of the swim center when I was walking in.  It turns out that they hydrolic floor that creates a shallow end in the pool was broken, and they wanted Aaron to do swim lessons in 6 feet of water.  Even a tall and athletic guy like him cannot stand or treadwater for that long while trying to keep the baby afloat (what were they thinking?!) Anyway, Aaron said he jumped in, and jumped right out because it just wasn't  going to happen.  We will try again next week...But I did manage to capture a few cute pictures of Elijah in his towel.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine

We went out to eat with the Taylor's Friday night. We had such a nice time catching up with our friends, but I think Emma and Elijah had the greatest fun of all. Take a look:

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hi Everyone.  Just found out the videos wouldn't play in the last two posts.  I think I have corrected the problem. Please let me know if they do not work.


Elijah Reads his Books!

From time to time I will find Elijah in his room pulling ALL of the books off the book shelf and then sitting down to read a few of them.  It really is the cutest thing ever (minus the mess that of course, I have to pick up).  I am so glad that he is showing signs of interest in reading (are they really "signs"?) at this early age.  I really hope that he will be a reader like his grand and great-grand mothers. It's something that has taken me almost 30 years to figure out...and I still am not an "avid" reader, however I am enjoying it much more these days. Anyway, here is a cute little video of Elijah "reading" his book.
Again, sorry for not being able to flip the video :(

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Last Part of our Trip

As I said before, our trip to L.A. was a whirlwind.  However, we all had a great time.  I was able to capture some video of Elijah in Bathtub (below) and trying to put his shoe on (also below) during our journey.  It's amazing that he knows the shoes goes on his foot!  I was pretty proud when I saw him doing this, I am not going to lie! He is also getting better at understanding how things fit in to each other (see the bath video below).
I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos!


Friday, June 1, 2012

A Family Affair

Elijah and i took a whirl wind trip to the l.a. area last weekend to see family and to go to a wedding. We literally were in a different place every night! Our first stop was Riverside to see Aunt Dawne and Uncle David. Unfortunately Uncle David had to work (when is he retiring??? Hahah) so he only got a few hours with E , but Aunt Dawne and I got to spend the whole day together. Then it was on to Palm Springs to see Aunt Lynn and Uncle Joe. We had such a great time with them, and E got to spend an extra special night with them while I continued my trip up to Ventura to participate in some pre-wedding events. Per AL and UJ elijah did great that night and the next morning!

Well that's all you get for now. I will continue our story tomorrow!

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