
Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy Friday!

Just a quick little post while we wait for daycare to open and then it's off to the doctors for Elijah's (belated) 3 year check up. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Peek A Boo

Here's a little picture of Elijah playing in a sandwich board outside a little bakery downtown. Just a cute little moment for you holiday-Monday!

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Little Boys

A week or so ago I got off work early enough to pick the boys up from daycare. We were on our own since Aaron had school and so I told Elijah that we could go to Ol' McDonalds for Dinner - and SPECIAL ALERT! - we could even go inside to eat!  So we did! The boys were doing so well and were so well behaved.  They, of course, made friends with everyone in the place. I managed to capture some cute pictures of them playing with the "toy" from the happy meal. We all got some good laughs, I hope you do too!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Weekend festivities

We had a pretty busy weekend last weekend chalk-full of four birthdays, yoga, garage sailing, and much much more! May is the busiest birthday month in our lives with two of Aaron's brothers back to back (21st/22nd) and his sister Nicole, two days ahead of them (19th) , and his niece Hannah, two days ahead of Nicole (17th) then of course there is mom (22nd) and right behind her, Emery (26th)! Whew! That's a lot of birthdays and not even spread out in the month- just all clumped right together! SHEESH!
So the kids had a great time being over at grandma and grandpas practically all weekend to celebrate all the birthdays, and of course that means we got some fun pictures. Hope you enjoy these and the rest of your week!
Blowing out the candles - Hannah with her mom (Davina) and Aaron is to the Right
Jumping on the trampoline - Elijah and Elizabeth
The new climbing apperatice that Grandma and Grandpa got Hannah for her Birthday
Upside down seems to be the right way to go.
I am He-Man! Hear me Roar!!!!
A Toddlers and Three Babies Hannah 2!, Lucas ~15 months, Jack 14 months, Evan 8 months
The "Big Kids" Elijah 3, Lizzie 2.75
The boy climbed up the slide and then went down. He LOVES the slide.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Birthdays- Past, Present, and Future...

...and you thought you were going to get pictures of the boys' birthdays!  Wrong!  Today we are celebrating those birthdays that this TERRIBLE granddaughter/daughter/niece forgot and probably will forget this year. Here's some "Happy Birthday" pictures and a little video for Gram, Mom (happy birthday today), Vicki, Dawne, and Lynn!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy Monday!

"Good morning little pookies it 7:52 and you are on your way to a great day it's true! Your smiling little faces sure do make our day bright, even with a hiccup and a gummy worm bite!"

There is this collection of children's books by author Sandra Boyton that are so cute and catchy, one is called happy birthday little pookie and the rhythm or cadenence of the book is mirrored above. We love love love her books and read them all the time :) This mornings "hiccup" was a bump on the head for Lucas which delayed us a little bit because he needed some extra TLC. The "gummy worm bite" is how Elijah referenced his sore gum probably due to a little slip of the toothbrush last night. I thought that was too cute not to share! :)

Here's just a quick snapshot of the boys this morning saying "hello" to all and wishing you a great week ahead!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I Like to Help Mommy!!!!

OH - MY - GOSH!  You will never believe, nor do I expect you to remember it, but a while back and possibly a long time ago, I told you I was looking for a book that was at my grandmother's house. It was a book that I remember being my favorite (ok it AND Pokey Little Puppy) book to read when I go there. Aunt Lynn had sent me a ton of books from Grandma's and it was not in there. I remembered it was about a little kid, who I swore's name was Jamie (because it was my moms name) and he/she was helping mommy out through the book. We looked and looked, searched the internet for hours, had aunt Lynn look through the books AGAIN and still nothing.  Well the other night I was in Elijah and Lucas' room reading them another book I had found that I remember reading at Grandma's called "The Goodnight Book" (I think, and they are sleeping so I can't check) and I realized something. The smaller Little Golden Books are called "A FIRST Little golden Book". It immediately dawned on me that this book I was looking for was a smaller book and this must have been why I couldn't find it!! So tonight I was finally at the computer and thinking about it at the same time.  I thought I would give it a shot and about ten minutes to see what I would come up with and low and behold, after about 15 different pages I found one that seemed to have EVERY first little golden book cover on it. I searched trhough about 300 covers and FINALLY FOUND IT!  People, here is the book I have been looking for (and I will shoot myself in the foot, because after reading the description of the book in the first couple of sentences up there you will see that I should have found this book RIGHT OFF the BAT, THE FIRST TIME):
Now, tomorrow I will try to find where I can buy said book :)
**UPDATE!-My wonderful sister has purchased the book for me!!! Woo hoo I can hardly wait to read this to the boys!!!!**
Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there!!!!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

3 Years in the Making....Literally

I have spent the past three years, off and on, putting together a photo book for Elijah's 1st year of life. I somehow finished it tonight. Not sure how that happenend, but I set myself up for success whenever the last time was that I sat down to work on this infinite project, because it was a quick half hour and this baby was done....ok maybe not a half hour, but close! And now I want to do one for Lucas. Though I have a little more drive to start/complete his in a reasonable amount of time (yes, yes, I understand that he is already over 1 year old, but hey if I can complete his by next February, I will have accomplished a lot!). The reason being, is that I never found a baby book that I liked enough to purchase for him. I was looking for a spiral bound one (because Elijah's book bound one is bursting at the edges) and I just haven't found a good one. So about 6 months in to Lucas' life I gave up and decided that I would just keep recording things on a calendar and would incorporate it in to a photo book that would also serve as his baby book. So there! Now - would you all please hold me to it?
So with all that said, here is a link to Elijah's 1st Year Photo Book.  The catch is, it is 44 pages. Even with the discounts I have found (in the last couple of days....patience is a virtue people, there will be better and even "free" coupons at some point) the book is still running $47.95 - UGH. I was going to order one for each of you for Mother's day, but not at that price. So then, until the price drops a wee bit more, you can enjoy this digital copy.  https://thedemersclan.shutterfly.com/  (just click on the link, it will take you right there.)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my dedicated mom readers- Gram, Mom, Vicki, Aunt Lynn, Aunt Dawne and of course Jess!  ...and I am sure there are more of you out there, but I don't know how often you check in, so count your self in to this greeting if you happen across this post in the near future.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekend Pictures

Happy Monday! Here are just some random pictures from this weekend. We had a great time and stayed really busy, as usual. Dad had the kids for the majority of Saturday while aaron and I went out to napa with some friends. Katie and Igor came over that night to offer dad some relief and everyone fared well. We spent Friday evening with our friends Joanie and Robinson and their boys, one of which is brand new- 3 weeks old!! It was so nice to get to hold a newborn again, since Aaron keeps insisting that we will have no more kids :(. 
So without further adieu here are the random pictures..

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Super E!

Zoom! Zoom! Faster than a speeding bullet! Looking it's a bird it's a plane it's... SUPER E! 
Vicki sent Elijah this "super cape" as he has now named it and as you can tell he is having a great time playing the role of a super hero! These are some pictures from this morning of him zooming around the house in his super cape. Have a great Saturday!!!
Assessing the situation...
And he's off to save the day!