
Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy Monday!

"Good morning little pookies it 7:52 and you are on your way to a great day it's true! Your smiling little faces sure do make our day bright, even with a hiccup and a gummy worm bite!"

There is this collection of children's books by author Sandra Boyton that are so cute and catchy, one is called happy birthday little pookie and the rhythm or cadenence of the book is mirrored above. We love love love her books and read them all the time :) This mornings "hiccup" was a bump on the head for Lucas which delayed us a little bit because he needed some extra TLC. The "gummy worm bite" is how Elijah referenced his sore gum probably due to a little slip of the toothbrush last night. I thought that was too cute not to share! :)

Here's just a quick snapshot of the boys this morning saying "hello" to all and wishing you a great week ahead!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to start the week with your two adorable little boys!
