
Friday, December 28, 2012


I turned around this morning to find Elijah had put his car up on a "lift". Maybe he will be a mechanic? Haha. Happy friday!

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Few Random Pictures

Elijah in his new sunglasses
Wow! I am sorry it has been so long since I have put something on the blog!  I am terrible!  Here are a few pictures I pulled off my phone to hold you over until we take some more.  Katie took most of the pictures for Elijah's second Christmas, so I will have to get some from her and post them.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a wonderful New Year!

Trying move the "big box!"

Wearing Daddy's hat; this is quickly becoming his favorite thing to do

mmmm...yummy grilled cheese!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mommy and Elijah take a sick day

Well i think our boy may not have gotten rid of his ear infection. We will find out tomorrow but took a sick day today. Here is a picture of us from this evening ( ps I am not sick just the boy - he slept literally all day!)

The Nut Tree

Riding the Zebra on the carousel
Augh the familiar place Katie and I grew up going to has changed a bit in 30 years.  About ten, maybe 15 years ago they revamped the Nut Tree and made it in to a shopping mecca (not sure if there is still an airport behind there or not) and put in a small amusement park in the back. The amusement park didn't really take off, so they dismantled the rides and scrapped the idea. Then about 5 years ago they put in a carousel and train in a more front and center location which seems to be doing quite well.
I needed to get some Christmas shopping done, but didn't want Elijah to just get drug around all day.  That would not be fun for him ergo that would not be fun for me.  So I packed him in the car this morning and took him to the rides, first thing.  We played for a bit on the rocking horses (which I think were revived from Katie and My Nut Tree Days) and in the wooden peek-a-boo structure.  Elijah had a blast with the peek-a-boo structure, especially since there was another little kid there to play with.
Next up was the train ride.  I swear, this kid is not at all what I thought he would be.  He is so observant, timid and fairly laid back.  He didn't get super excited (though you could tell he was enjoying the ride), he just sat on his bum and watched the scenery, taking it all in.

Last we went on the carousel, again he just sat there like a good little boy and took in the sites and sounds. He asked what some of the animals were a couple of times, but that was about it.  We got off both rides without any kicking and screaming or begging to go back on.  I must say, I am pretty happy with this boy!  haha!

Taking a Ride on the Choo Choo Train

Enjoying the Choo Choo

Peek-A-Boo! I am an Elephant!

Lion Heart

Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Update from Thanksgiving

After the last post our poor Elijah didn't get much better.  At least not until Sunday/Monday after Thanksgiving. I must say though, the flights home were not too bad. His little ears faired well, and so did we.
It turns out that after three doses of Amoxicillin, Elijah developed welts on his legs. A clear sign that in fact our little boy can now be labeled "allergic to penicillin". grrrreaattt..... (sarcasm fully implied). This means that we had to change his medication to a non-penicillin antibiotic, that he did not like nearly as much as the thick bubble gum yumminess of amoxicillin. It was a battle for 10 days to get him to take it, but hopefully we got enough in him to clear up the ear infections.
However, I just wanted to share that we did end up having a lovely Thanksgiving meal (pictures below) and were able to get a few good pictures of Elijah on Sunday/Monday.  You will see he is in need of a hair cut- don't worry I took care of it (see a post in about a day or two).
This was my rocking/high chair!

Play, or as Elijah says "Pyay"

The spread on Thanksgiving

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sicky on Thanksgiving

Well i am sad to report that we have no good Thanksgiving puctures of Elijah as he got sick :(

After we picked up Aaron and Katie from the airport we litterally got their bags in the house and realized Elijah was not feeling well ans had a 101.5 temperture. He had his 18 month check up last friday and along with it 5 shots. They said he could get a fever in about 5 days, so naturally we assumed that was the cause of the fever. After litterally an Up All Night with Elijah last night, we took him in to the 24 urgent care clinic. We spent 2 hours in there waiting and waiting and finally we got a diagnosis of a double ear infection. Poor Guy! He is getting better with only the inital dose of amoxicilin and ibuprophin, but still not 100%. All tgis to say this is the best and pretty much only (pathetic) picture we have gotten of him in two days. Hopefully tomorrow will bring brighter and happier pictures!

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Good morning, and happy Thanksgiving.  Here are just a few pictures from our trip to my mom's so far.
We are having a great time and Elijah even got a big surprise yesterday when he got up from his nap.  A new tent complete with a tunnel and balls to play with. He seems to be having a great time playing with it, among the other toys that we are getting to borrow from a friend of my moms.
More pictures to come, hopefully tonight with pictures from today, the dinner, and the fatted aftermath.

upside down

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gibber Jabber

Here is a little video and just a TOUCH on what Elijah is "talking" about and how he is "interacting" these days.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fun in the Sun

Balloons! (Elijah- 18 months)
This past Saturday we went to a friend of ours' house for their son's first birthday.  Elijah was one of about 10 kids all around his age there.  He had a great time, although it was slightly exhausting for me being pregnant and there without Aaron.  We did have a good time though.  I managed to capture some really great shots of Elijah and felt they definitely warranted sharing. (Gram these should print beautifully for you!). I hope you enjoy them!

 P.S. I am trying to figure out how to capture video on this new camera. Sorry you haven't had any videos in a while!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tick Or Treat!

Cousinly love (Elijah & Lizzy)
Well, it's a little past Halloween, but not too much so to be really late on a post.  Last Saturday, Kaitlin (Aaron's brother's wife) and I went down town to a Trick or Treat walk that the First street merchants put on for all the kids in town.  We had a blast making it half way up the street before we were all worn out and turned around and went home.
Kaitlin posted some of these pictures of Elijah and Elizabeth (Kaitlin and Paul's daughter) on Facebook and one person commented "Looks like a real 'dog and pony' show" to which I replied "hilarious! I didn't even think about it that way!" but it's true- we had a dog and pony show all our own.  Here are some pictures from Satruday as well as from Halloween (we went to 3 houses and then home to hand out candy at my dad's house).
Really mom? I have to do this? (The pony & the poodle)

YAY! Candy!

Two of kind

Halloween Night- Trick or Treating with Grandma Bridget & Aunt Katie

Trick or Treat!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Rio Vista Train Museum and Pumpkin Fesitval

A couple weekends ago Katie suggested we take a trip out to the Rio Vista train museum to ride a train and go out to a "pumpkin patch".  I say "pumpkin patch" because when we got there, there was no pumpkin patch in sight.  BUT it was a small draw back to a fun day!
We got to the train museum right when it opened.  Of course they had a Thomas the train, table and trains for the kiddos to play with, so we burned a half hour watching Elijah play. He now LOVES "Choo Choo's".  We then got on a restored, probably 1940's train and took it about 3 miles down to the pumpkin festival.
Elijah got to run in a hay maze, look at ponies (because I wouldn't pay $6 to find out if he would actually ride it or not) and pet farm animals in a petting zoo.  The best (or maybe worst) was a little basket of bunnies. I picked on up for Elijah to pet, which he did, then proceed to reach in to the basket and pick one up himself....by the ears!  This other mom watched it happened and after I plucked the bunny away from him and gently set it back in the basket, the other mom lightly stroked it, like my kid had done it harm. oh well. it was kind of funny (and no bunnies were hurt in this episode).
Here are some great pictures from our day. Thanks Katie for taking us to the trains!

Katie Taking photos

Elijah on the train!

Hay Maze

Our ride back to the museum

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Want What?

You want my fishy? I don't think so...

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Sunday, October 14, 2012


Elijah loves his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Here are just some cute pictures from today's lunch!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Apple Hill

Pick A Pumpkin
Yesterday we went, on what is becoming (much to Aaron's chagrin)  our annual Apple Hill trip with the Taylor's and Wills'.
Apple Hill is an approx. 5 mile radius of Apple (among other fruits) orchards. Each fall they open their orchards to the public, each having their own and somewhat unique activities- from hayrides, to mazes, to face painting, crafts fairs, pony rides, nature walks, you pick-em apples, and much, much more.
There are two or three orchards that we usually go to.  The first is Boa Vista- it has a great pumpkin patch (see the picture of Elijah, Emma and Jackson picking out their pumpkins) and a really great producery (?) and bakery.  It also has a little craft fair full of stuff we always look at and never buy. HAHA.
The next place we usually head to is Jack Russel Farm & Brewery - a much needed reprieve for the gentlemen in our brood. They have a great pumpkin ale (no, I didn't partake this year :( ), awful mead wine (gross- have you ever tasted that stuff?!) and hard ciders (again, I didn't  partake this year- can't wait for next year!).
Then it is on to Kids, Inc. This is the Taylor's favorite place.  Here we did our nature walk (pictures below) which is a great wrap up for a busy, bustling day.  We looked at the farm animals (the goats wanted to eat Elijah's giraffe haha) and finished off with a "walking pie"- a "personal" (though three of us ate it and would never dare to eat a whole one ourselves) domed hot apple pie and a last stop at the store to get 4 frozen walking pie's, 1 jug of fresh apple cider & a box of apples for Bridget so that she can make her wonderful applesauce!
It really was a wonderful day, though stressful at times with the kids running every direction.  It's definitely a nice drive (2 hours- just outside Placerville) and helps with the great company!

Getting Bigger Every Day

At the patch

Emma picking out pumpkins

Look Ma, there's one!

Elijah (18 mo), Jackson (11.5 mo), & Emma (3.5 yrs) (hiding) on the nature walk

Running with a leaf

Emma and Elijah watching the goats

Best picture of the day!

The Taylor's

The Wills'

The De Mers' (yeah kind of far away)