
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Christmas

Double post day! Its like the daily double in Jeopardy, but everyone wins!

Merry Christmas from these two rug rats.
Merry Christmas to all!  In all my efforts to make Christmas less crazy and to have less Christmas's, we wound up with the same amount of Christmas' and almost the same amount of craziness as in years past. Back to the drawing board I think, though I'm not sure how we can make that any better than it is.
You see, our first Christmas is always with my dad on Christmas Eve- so there is that, then I thought this Christmas, instead of trying to do one Christmas for the four of us on Christmas morning that we would just do it Christmas eve with my dad- yes that does make sense, until you throw the SANTA card in there and then you have to figure out how to explain that Santa came early...and didn't eat your kids' cookies, etc. So I said "I have two  presents from Santa ready to go, so lets just throw those out after the kids go to bed and they can have a Santa's gifts Christmas in the morning which should be short and quick and we will throw in the stockings too. So that was fine, and went smoothly. Then we went to Aaron's parent's house for Christmas #3, and we are currently, at this very moment at Vicki's house for Christmas #4 with my my mom, step-dad and aunt, and Katie and Igor too. Whew. But! its over, and that is great, I mean save for a few stockings that need to be opened (not ours).
Rug Rat #2
The kids have been spoiled as always, but people have toned it down a bit (thank god, though we are thankful for you gifts, you have managed to restrain your self from OVER spoiling these boys, and that we are grateful for). They love everything from ninja turtle figures and clothing to Avengers, to coloring books, to castles, and play doh, and especially the light sabers that Santa brought them. They have already wore their new jammies that papa Mike got them, and some of their new Ninja turtle and Paw Patrol shirts that others got them. They too are grateful for all the gifts, and I see a old toys purging session coming Tuesday when we get home.
Rug Rat #1
Thank you again for those of you who spoiled us this year, and Merry Christmas to all of you. We hope you had a great time with your family and friends and that your New Year is filled with love and hope and prosperity.

-The De Mers

p.s. Elijah is currently in the kitchen helping Omama with her famous sticky buns...mmmm...you should be jealous. LOL

The coveted light sabers from Santa

Stocking Reveal

Couch potatoes

Opening Gigi's gifts! What a HIT!

Lucas' gift from Gigi! 


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