
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sleeping Through the Night!

Lucas @ 9 weeks & 1 day ;)
It's 10:34 pm and Lucas is sleeping in his swing, which has become our normal routine for his "nap" between the 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm feedings (after which he goes in to bed in a pack N play in our bedroom). I just saw him sleeping so peacefully here tonight and though that I would take a quick photo and document that Lucas has been sleeping through the night (that is, 11:00 pm to 5:00 am) since Sunday/Monday the 21st/22nd of April!  That is one whole week if you are counting...AND I AM COUNTING!
Since Aaron went back to work I have taken over the 11:00 feeding (Aaron used to do this with a bottle, but he is now working in San Jose and has to be up at 4:45 am and doesn't get home until 7:00-30 pm, so I take mercy on him) and it seems, that since Aaron went back to work, Lucas has started sleeping through the night - coincidence? I think not! It's the magical, mystical, motherly touch! haha! Ok and a little "Baby Wise" (a book that I have re-read, and used to get Elijah to sleep through the night at 10 weeks).  So back to the "counting", this means that Lucas has started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks, two weeks earlier than Elijah! woo hoo!  I really thought he was going to take longer than E because he has/had been so fussy and had his nights and days mixed  up in the beginning.  But it looks like we have gotten him straightened out - at least in the night time. :)


  1. Whew -- the end of sleep deprivation and the beginning of a return to sanity. Congratulations to you and Lucas!
