
Monday, April 8, 2013

First Bath

We gave Lucas his first bath a couple of weeks ago.  Let me just say, with our new baby bath tub, and two years of practice under our belts, this bath went much better than Elijah's first and subsequent second bath!
Seriously, we are old hands at this baby bathing thing, and much more confident. Though I must say confidence in child handling/rearing is one thing that Aaron does NOT lack. I of course handed him the reins again, as I DO indeed, lack the confidence to bathe a newborn baby...though I did do it myself about a week later when I was forced to (Aaron was away, and the baby had "lost his lunch" so....).
Ok enough of that, please see for yourself the GREAT BATHING ADVENTURE!

There is something special about this picture.   Can you find it?
 If so, leave your finding in the comment section!

1 comment:

  1. Not be checking out your son's sonhood, but I think he um... gotcha :)
