
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Why Life was so Busy Between Thanksgiving and Christmas

My Bethlehem Costume
I did way too much this year. I admit it. And I let some people know that it would not happen again, my family, my friends and my congregation lol. However somethings I cannot step away from so easily.

First, and most dear to my heart was the Operation Christmas Child Shoe box packing. Most of you saw the posts on facebook and some pictures I sent via email to keep you up-to-date, but here are a few pictures, and Elijah was my big helper this year. The boys are starting to understand the shoe boxes and their mission more and more, which I love and is a great thing leading up to Christmas for them. Our goal was 200 boxes. Through the generous donations from friends, family and church members we were able to pack 261 boxes, ship all of them ($7 fee/box is requested) and send 36 kids the discipleship program that Samaritan's purse offers.
My sweet helper Elijah - 261 Boxes, our most by far!

Leading up to collection Sunday

Faith showing us how to make towel teddy bears.

Packing Party items

Second was our church's first attempt at a new Christmas tradition. We put on A Walk Through Bethlehem for our community. We has our congregation members sponsor a booth that was period specific to the days of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem to be counted for the census, and more importantly, the birth of Jesus. Our turn out was good, and our feedback was great so it looks like we will be doing it again. My role was one of the key planners - that is what I wont be doing again. As fun as it was, it didn't lend any free time for me to prepare for Christmas, and as a result I was finally able to get in the Christmas Swing on December 18th. oy. too close to Christmas. Here are some of the pictures from this wonderful event.

Elijah feeding the goats.

Last little mention, is that after a year of searching, our church finally found a pastor. Matt and his wife Amber will be coming to lead our church in February and we can. not. wait. YAY!.
Matt in the middle and his wife Amber off to the side. Caught mid sentence but its all that was on my phone.

Sorry not so much about the kids, but every once in a while I have to throw in some "me" stuff. :)

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