
Saturday, August 29, 2015

First Homework Assignment

(yeah, I'm slacking big time. Sorry. No excuses...get ready, I plan to write back to back posts and have one go up once a day for as many I as I can come up with.)

Today Elijah and I did his first homework project together. It revealed a whole heck of a lot to me.

1. I have (ahem, yes I already knew this) a huge perfectionist issue with myself. - I reigned it all in and tried to let Elijah do as much of it as possible.
2. Elijah has a huge perfectionist issue with himself.- like mother, like son you say.
3. Control is hard to let go of for one of us.
4. Attention spans wain midway through homework- I see a lot of tears and late nights in our future- on both sides of the table- all of it.
5. We make a pretty good team.

So the long and the short is. I reeled in my perfectionism. I let him do as much of the work as possible, and offered suggestions. He picked out which pictures to use (with a little direction on types that needed to be included, but I gave him lots of options) and where to put them and I cut them all down so that they would all fit. He did the gluing (though he wanted me to do it, and I told him that it was his project and his job) and we made it easier for his perfectionism by drawing lines and shapes on the back of the picture to where the glue should be placed.

And it came out looking darling!  He insisted on writing his name as well. So cute.
The artist at work

Our glue-by-shapes work

The finished product!

...oh the first day of school you say? Yeah that would have been smart to post first. Ok! tomorrow!

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