
Monday, March 30, 2015

2 year check up for Lucas!

Nightly Story time- rare shot of Lucas listening to the story
Wow. So this is just a tad, and by a tad I mean a whole month late.  We got Lucas' 2 year check up on March 6th and I have failed to divulge the details! Well, hey, at least you expect that from me by now!

MMM Oreo's!

So here are the stats:
Age: 2 years
Weight: 30 lbs - 73% (becoming a chunk!)
Height: 36 inches - 91% (yep that's our tall boy!)
Head.......49 cm - 58% (getting smaller! LOL)
Our boy is the long, lean(ish) thing he has been from day one, and his big ol' head is getting much more proportionate to his body. On the charts, at 2 years, they start averaging kids by their BMI (Body Mass Index); an old, antiquated system, that I highly contest. However, Lucas is in the 42%ile, which means he is in no danger of hitting their obesity scales any time soon. Whew...cuz we were, you know, "worried" about that (bleeding sarcasm out of my pores right now). His partially blocked tear duct is opening up as he is getting older, and the pediatric ophthalmologist says that we most likely will not be facing surgery, that hey should grow out of it completely around 3 years (thank the good lord!). We have a 90% looming surgery though for a little hernia, but there is no urgency on that. It will happen sometime between now and 4 years old. Its not drastic, and a fairly common surgery. Keep your fingers crossed and prayers sent up for that.

The boy doesn't talk too, too much, but he is gaining more words by the day, repeating things (yeah, that's good and bad....mostly good though) and strings two and three words together.  He is rough and tumble, a real boy's boy.  He is gets these fists and says "hi-ya!" I wonder where he learned that?....  He loves to go "high" which means, "dad throw me in the air as high as you can!" and gives us all a work out.  He is so different from Elijah in that way. Elijah never liked to go "high". This boy is neither timid nor shy. He loves people and he loves babies (too bad he most likely wont have a baby anything anytime soon, if at all). He has started singing a lot lately, and its so cute. I will try to capture that on video one day soon and get it posted up here.

He is fun, loving and our our little cuddle bug- man I love that! He LOVES to snuggle and loves to jump in his brothers bed, before Elijah gets there, in hopes that he will have a snuggle pal if only for 5 seconds...Elijah kicks him out pretty fast.  I'll snuggle with him anytime though.  He also loves to dance! We have dance parties in the kitchen or their bedroom every once in a while, and this boy and get down and groove to the music!

The only thing he needs to work on is his listening habits.  He is stubborn and ornery. Where I could tell Elijah to "stop" or "come here please" at this age, Lucas tunes us out. Unless you get VERY stern, you get complete disobedience.  Good lord we have our work cut out for us.

We love this boy so much. We love his personality, his cuddles and his CURLY blonde hair.  He is such a joy and we all, including Elijah, love him very much.  I can't wait to see what the next year will bring in this vibrant boy.

1 comment:

  1. Kristin, thank you for sharing. I can hardly wait to cuddly with him too and play tennis is Elijah. Love, O'ma
