
Sunday, January 5, 2014

10 Month Check-in

Ok, a little late, but hey I have been having a good, relaxing time off so that is why I haven't gotten to this yet. And hey! it's a bonus for you that I haven't gotten to this until now, because we have had some major developments this week alone!
Lucas turned 10 months on Christmas day (pretty neat)! He continues to be a REALLY happy and laid back boy. He LOVES his big brother and wants to know where he is at and what he is doing all the time. I think I have written that before, but I just want you to know how much he loves Elijah hahaha.  You have seen in previous posts that Elijah plays well with Lucas and that continues for the most part. I guess I am just waiting for the day that Elijah wants nothing to do with Lucas, probably because that is how I felt about my little sister growing up. HAHA (it gets better).
So here are your 10 month updates:
Stats: 21.6 lbs (don't think that changed from last month), 32" long (had to measure for his work permit so that he could do modeling at le top and rabbit moon too). Head- still huge, but getting more proportional to his body. We are starting to think that he may NOT be strawberry-blonde after all. As more of his hair is coming in it's looking more and more blond... *sad face*  :(
He has huge feet! Not fred flinstone like Elijah, at least not yet, just loooonggg. I had to buy 12 month slippers for him!

Mile Stones (in order of happening):
(Eats Cheerios)
1. Full crawl achieved! (Dec. 12)
2. Getting up on knees and attempting to pull self up (not quite pulling self up yet though) (Dec. 22)
3. Had his First Christmas
4. Had his first New Year's Eve
5. Says "mama"! (and almost dada, but he is definitely saying mama and its really only when he is getting upset) (Jan. 3)
6.  Plays Peek-A-Boo...with one hand (Jan 4.)
7. Getting First Tooth! It started popping up on Christmas Morning and has made some progress on it's way upward but not quite fully in.

Funny Quirks:
1. He loves to "face plant" when we play with him on our bed. He will crawl one or two paces and then face plant and laugh and laugh.
2. He tends to crawl with one leg propelling him as if he wants to get up on his feet. It's a little weird and hard to describe, so I will try to capture it in a video.
3. One leg is constantly getting stuck in his coveralls (think footed pajama). He somehow gets it out of the foot hole and it creeps up in to the leg area of the outfit. That NEVER happened with Elijah, but I am wondering if it is because Elijah was so thick that things always fit tightly on him. Who knows.

Other Interesting Facts: This boy knows when we are talking to him. I can tell him "No Lucas" and he looks at me like he knows what I am saying and I pretty sure he does. I just yelled over to him while writing this because I couldn't see what he was getting in to and he looks at me and stops trying to get into whatever it was that he was getting in to.
He knows his mommy and he LOVES his daddy. Nothing has changed there. I am just glad I got the first word this time (Elijah's first words were "Hi Daddy!" awww so cute).
He is a fairly picky eater (I can't win), does not like the baby cereal, does not like corse food like applesauce, so guess what he LOVES -- Bananas...so we share baby banana food (HAHAHA)!
He can also drink out of a sippy cup pretty well. He is not the cleanest when it comes to that, but he can do it. So now we have a fight over who's sippy cup he is using...you know Elijah has a fight, no one else cares. hahaha.

Ok I think that does it for our 10 month check in.  11 month's is just around the corner and we should probably have more milestones at that point too, but I hope it's not "He's walking!!!" ugh...


up on the knees

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