
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

7 month check in

 By popular demand, and I mean DEMAND, here is Lucas' 7 month check-IN (because he doesn't have a check UP until 9 months).
Well this boy has made some major accomplishments this month! He is sitting up, rolling over (ALL over) and just today starting to get up on to his knees and rock. I just barely saw him do it once on the couch with me. As soon as he does it again I will try to capture it.
He is weighing in at 20.2 lbs and I don't have any other statistic other than that.
He of course is just a happy , happy boy. He is talking more and more...you know the "hey mom, how was your day" kind of chit chat...haha of course I am kidding. It's all jibber jabber, but we love it.
Still no teeth for this guy, and I am NOT complaining about that, not one bit.
I think that covers it for month 7. It's hard to believe (and I know I keep saying that) that in five short months we will be celebrating his one year birthday. I don't even want to think about it. I love this "baby" stage.

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