
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Five Months Old!


 Wow! Where has the time gone? Lucas is 5 whole months today, that's crazy! It's probably a good time to reflect on his milestones. Though few there are some, along with some interesting facts. So snuggle up cuz here is what you want to know about our five month old.

Lucas Ryan
Born February 25th 2013
7 pounds 14 oz and 20.75 inches long.

Today we call him "mr. Kicky pants". Ok so that's just me, but he has earned that name. He has found his legs and thinks he wants to ride a Bicycle. When he starts to wake up in the morning, he throughs both his legs up in the air together, and lets them fall forcefully witha resounding "THUD!"

Lucas loves to laugh. He especially ticklish just below his right rib cage, and on his upper thighs. Daddy can always get a good laugh out of him. He loves it when you say "BOO!"

He has a flat spot on the right side of his head, but we are working on getting that rounded out. He can now see from across the room and is always intent on tracking where daddy is. He also loves his big brother, especially when Elijah (who will correct you and say "NO! Eli!") is playing and laughing. He is the drooliest kid ever! I feel like Elijah hardly ever drooled, but this kid I literally keep a bib on him half the day.

We all love story time at night. Lucas is usually pretty good at listening, as long as it is not too close to his last feeding. He is becoming a good sleeper. It took a while as he was a little colicky in the beginning. Once I cut the dairy out of my diet we had a whole new baby. No more crying fits and a better sleeper. Daddy has had a lot to do with our good mapper. He really got Lucas on a schedule since I have been back to work and now our boy goes down for naps as good as his big brother. 

We are about one moth away from starting solid foods...namely baby oatmeal cereal. Our boy is a good eater, but not quite ready to add more to his diet.
We are having so much fun with him and really enjoying this little guy. I 

Today's stats are
July 25th 2013- 5 months
17.2 pounds 
Approx. 29 inches

Below, is our brand new Lucas, only a few weeks old. How he has changed!

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