
Friday, March 1, 2013

A New Baby and A New Title to Our Blog!

Welcome Back!  In the weeks that I have been absent, you all know that we have had another baby BOY!  Yes, no more Baby "L" or "It", it's a BOY!  I only found it fitting that since we now have TWO little guys, and favoritism should be avoided at all costs, that I change the name of the blog from "Learning Elijah" to "I Speak 'Boy' ".  I may not be a master in "Boy" but I sure will be in the next 20 years :), thus the title.

We brought Lucas Ryan D. in to this world at 8:08 am on Feb. 25th. He was a healthy 7 lbs 14 oz (yes 1 lb and 1 oz lighter than Elijah...but also 1 week early, so you can imagine, had we gone full-term I would have had another almost 9 lb baby on my hands!) and 20.75 inches long (3/4 inch LONGER than Elijah was).
He came in to this world screaming, I only hope that is not his M.O. for his life.  I swear that kid cried for the first 20 minutes of his life!  He was healthy though, and that is all that mattered.  I was literally laughing on the operating table, at how much he was crying!

We came home Wednesday afternoon, to a new baby and a brand new bed for ourselves! Even though we had a new bed, lets just say night one, was not full of rest.  It turns out our little guy has his nights and days mixed up. I am currently working really hard to get him on a schedule so that we can revert this terrible cycle. The last two nights I have been up with a wide awake baby for 2-4 stints and have caved to holding the baby in my arms to get him to sleep and stay asleep so that I can get two hours rest together....Dang! I thought he would be just like Elijah - eat every 2 hours, sleep for 2 hours, but know, no such luck.
So if you were wondering why this is such a choppy post, it's because I am operating on VERY little sleep, and word processing is not coming easy.

Big Brother trying to calm his little brother, in Oma's arms
Elijah's new favorite phrase "ut oh, baby cry!"

Aunty Erin and Lucas (and Baby Kip hiding inside!)

"You talkin' to me!"

Daddy and Lucas

Sleeping Lucas (at 11 am NOT 11 pm)

Sleeping Lucas (at 2 pm NOT 2 am)

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