
Friday, January 22, 2016

MLK Volunteer Day

Me on MLK day
I know this blog is dedicated mostly to watching the boys grow up, but every once in a while I post about something that's going on with me. Today is one of those days.  Monday was MLK day and work does an amazing job of giving us an opportunity to give back to the community on this day. This year we made onesies for homeless and at-risk moms with small children and usually a newborn.  So here are the ones that I made.  I would have made more, but I was helping a lot of people with theirs.  My co-worker Kristin (yes another Kristin) and I, may have, a little bit, taken over the event. We've done similar things for the last three years, and always felt like if we'd have known what was going to be offered, we would have prepared better. This year we knew the coordinator so Friday we went up to her desk and took a look at all the preparations which included fabric pens and stencils. We knew that wouldn't do, and wouldn't meet our creative needs so we brought in a sewing machine, iron, fabric and ribbon....which of course turned out to be a HUGE hit among the participants and of course ourselves.

Sorry I know its a little hard to see with the white onesie on the white background, I should have thought of that.

Off center but still a cute ruffle

probably my favorite one

Loved this one too

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fun Kid Pics

Just some pictures from the last week or so, that I thought I would post up for you.

Cousins having Sunday Dinner together

Elijah watching shows in his tent

This boy is getting soooo long!

The boys "chilling"

Each got his own turn to chill

And this is the one that started it all

Having fun looking in the bathroom mirror

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


...kids we took to the movies! That's right, 4 mommies and 1 grandma and we made it through the entire movie. The kids for a little restless about the last 20 minutes but they did great!
We saw The Good Dinosaur. Sweet and yet deep, movie.

Sunday, January 17, 2016